Single failure discussed for multiple years, with multiple psychologists, failure. Failed to sit with legs closed and under parts revealed, failure. Failed not to fall. Endearing failures. Failure that kills people. Failed to give good head. Failed to remain relaxed during anal sex. Failures withheld from shrink. Failed species. Failure to explain so then, divorce, failure. Failed to lead. Survival of the species impacted, kind of failure. Fail to populate space. Future bone collectors collect and ponder you, failure. Failure of genetics and breeding. Wear a helmet to school.
Funny, not trying to be funny. Funny when you think no one is paying attention. Funny, no one laughs but you. Funny, no one laughs but you, then you feel shame, then other people notice and find that funny. Funny, laughing at yourself and no one notices. Funny, laughing at yourself and everyone notices but no one finds it as funny as you and that’s funnier. Self-amusement. Funny that fails and in failure is more amusing. Human failure. Pooping and poop funny. Death. Funny something falls down.